Category: Georgia Law



    Craig Brazeman is principal of Profiles Investigations, a nationally recognized and honored Private Detective Agency specializing in general investigations and service of process.  For many years Profiles has been assisting several non-profit organizations providing pro bono efforts to serve proposed offenders.  Profiles also assisted many law enforcement agencies providing specialized skills necessary to bring offenders to justice.  Having built a solid business by making less than reputable persons accountable …. enemies have been made, threats have been received, and fake news has been published.


    In 2007 a couple, investigated by Profiles for child endangerment, requested a Protective Order against Brazeman.  After a related hearing, the Court found Brazeman’s investigation too aggressive and granted part of Petitioners’ request.  Brazeman immediately filed an Appeal.  The Supreme Court of Georgia granted Brazeman’s Appeal dismissing the lower Court’s ruling.  And the couple was Ordered to stay away from Brazeman.


    In 2013 Profiles contracted South Florida Private Investigators, Inc. to work a domestic case.  In the final hour this Florida firm insisted on being paid additional fees.  While the Florida firm could not provide proof the assignment had been worked and refused to reimburse the Client, a fraud charge against the Florida firm was initiated.  With Brazeman’s assistance, the Client was reimbursed in full and the Florida firm was investigated by local authorities.

    In retaliation for the fraud charge, the Florida firm posted numerous defamatory and slanderous remarks on the internet about Profiles and Brazeman.  With pressure from intervening authorities the Florida firm admitted to posting false remarks and agreed to remove them.  Unfortunately, the firm was unable to remove all their posts.


    In 2014 Profiles was hired by a law firm to conduct no more than four hours (due to financial constraints) of surveillance related to a domestic case.  Once the minimal retainer was exhausted, the law firm’s client continued to make additional requests of Profiles and Brazeman.  Only after additional investigative research results were provided at no charge did the client post defamatory remarks on the internet under the fictitious name “Felicia Fubar.”  The Client a/k/a Felicia Fubar b/k/a Linda Watz, was identified and contacted.  Linda Watz apologized for her defamatory posts and promised to make every effort to remove these from the internet.  To date, Watz has not kept her promise, and related litigation against Watz is being contemplated


    In 2017 Brazeman was made aware of defamatory posts recently made on the internet.  An investigation identified the “anonymous” author as an individual who Brazeman had filed a Protective Order against.  With the assistance of counsel and Court intervention, Brazeman received an Agreement in which said author had to remove said posts.  To date, only one of these two posts was removed.  In the end, said posts were a costly expense to the “anonymous” author.