Taking Statements

One of the most valuable parts of any investigation is a well-prepared written statement that details the subject’s confession, knowledge of an incident, or alibi. This formalized document substantiates the individual’s admission or alibi so that it becomes more difficult for him or her to change it at a later date.
A suspect’s statement may take one of two forms. The first type details a statement made by a suspect who denies any involvement but communicates his or her alibi or the circumstances surrounding the incident. Once this information has been documented, it is difficult for the guilty suspect to change his or her story. Should the guilty person later attempt to change his or her alibi or the circumstances of the incident, his or her original statement can be used to discredit newly found accounts and/or information. By locking the suspect into the details of his or her alibi or the circumstances surrounding the event, the investigation can clearly focus on proving or disproving the information contained in the statement.
Types of Statements:
a) Narrative
b) Question and Answer
c) Formal Statements
d) Audio or Video Recordings

• September 30, 2015

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